The revolution of the diamond industry...


"Embark on a journey that goes beyond tradition"

Where innovation meets brilliance in the realm of diamond growing and seed manufacturing.  Our state-of-the-art lab is dedicated to the art and science of cultivating diamonds through cutting-edge technology, ensuring the highest standards of quality and sustainability.

Our commitment to excellence, ethical practices, and environmental consciousness sets us apart in the world of gemstone creation.

Lab grown diamond demand projected to increase

We aim to provide you with valuable insights, educational resources, and a glimpse into the groundbreaking work happening within our laboratory.

Whether you are a connoisseur of fine jewelry, a researcher in material sciences, or simply curious about the marvels of modern technology, ONT invites you to delve into the captivating world of diamond growth and seed manufacturing.











- CVD Diamond Equipment
- Seed Wafers (5x5 - 20x20 mm)
- Process R&D Consulting


-Precision CNC Laser Cutting
-Precision Wafer Lapping
-HPHT/LPHT Crystal Treatment
-E Beam Irradiation


-Next Gen Reactor Development
-Carbon Based Electronics
-Quantum Sensing 
-AI integrated Control Software

Frequently Asked Questions

What are lab-grown diamonds?

Answer: Lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds produced in a controlled laboratory environment using advanced technological processes that mimic the natural diamond growing process. These diamonds have the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as mined diamonds.

How are lab-grown diamonds made?

Answer: There are two primary methods to create lab-grown diamonds: High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). Both processes start with a small diamond seed which is placed in an environment rich in carbon, under high temperature and pressure, allowing the diamond to grow atom by atom.

Are lab-grown diamonds real diamonds?

Answer: Yes, lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds. They have the same crystal structure, chemical composition, and physical properties as diamonds mined from the earth. They are distinguished only by their origin.

What are the environmental benefits of choosing lab-grown diamonds?

Answer: Lab-grown diamonds have a significantly lower environmental impact than mined diamonds. They require less land disturbance, produce fewer carbon emissions, and use less water, contributing to a more sustainable choice for the environment.

Can lab-grown diamonds be certified?

Answer: Yes, lab-grown diamonds are graded and certified by reputable gemological laboratories using the same standards applied to mined diamonds. These certificates provide a detailed analysis of the diamond's characteristics and authenticity.

How can I purchase a lab-grown diamond from your lab?

Answer: Visit our website to browse our selection of lab-grown diamonds and jewelry. You can purchase directly online or contact our customer service for personalized assistance in selecting the perfect diamond for your needs.

Do lab-grown diamonds hold their value?

Answer: Like mined diamonds, the value of lab-grown diamonds can fluctuate based on market demand, rarity, and quality factors. However, they are a valuable and lasting choice for jewelry, symbolizing a commitment to sustainability and ethical practices.

What makes lab-grown diamonds more environmentally friendly?

Answer: Lab-grown diamonds are considered more environmentally friendly because their production process requires significantly less land disturbance, water usage, and energy compared to traditional diamond mining. This results in a lower carbon footprint and less environmental degradation.

How much water is saved by choosing a lab-grown diamond?

Answer: The exact amount of water saved can vary depending on the specific technologies and processes used by each lab. However, it's estimated that lab-grown diamonds use over 85% less water per carat than mined diamonds, making them a more sustainable choice for water conservation.

Are the energy sources used in growing diamonds sustainable?

Answer: Many diamond growing labs are committed to sustainability by using renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power to operate their facilities. This reduces the carbon footprint associated with the production of lab-grown diamonds.

Do lab-grown diamonds reduce land disturbance?

Answer: Yes, the production of lab-grown diamonds significantly reduces land disturbance. Unlike traditional diamond mining, which involves extensive excavation and habitat destruction, lab-grown diamonds are created in a controlled laboratory setting, minimizing environmental impact.

How does the carbon footprint of lab-grown diamonds compare to mined diamonds?

Answer: Lab-grown diamonds generally have a lower carbon footprint than mined diamonds. Advances in technology and energy efficiency are continually decreasing the environmental impact of lab-grown diamond production, especially when renewable energy sources are used.

How does the choice of lab-grown diamonds support sustainable development?

Answer: Choosing lab-grown diamonds supports sustainable development by reducing the demand for mined diamonds, thus decreasing the environmental and social issues associated with mining, such as habitat destruction, water use, and labor concerns. It represents a shift towards ethical and sustainable consumerism.

Are there any certifications or standards for environmental sustainability in diamond labs?

Answer: Yes, there are certifications and standards that assess the environmental and ethical performance of diamond labs, such as the Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) for lab-grown diamonds, which evaluates aspects like carbon footprint, energy use, and social responsibility.

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915 Pawtucket St.
Lowell , MA 01851, US

About us

As pioneers in the industry, we take pride in pushing boundaries and redefining the possibilities of diamond production.

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